
Showing posts from May, 2023

The BB in Ben's eye

      In Sag Harbor , the narrator Ben spends a lot of time reflecting on how childhood experiences and memories leave permanent scars on his body and mind. No example is more clear than this than the BB lodged in his eye. Guns are another important theme in Sag Harbor , symbolizing Benji and friend's development of identity and masculinity. They have grown up from roughhousing and wrestling to amateur shooting competitions, both at targets and each other. On one fateful day. Benji and his friends decide to break up into teams and play war. Earlier, Benji had suggested they wear protective goggles, to which they all agreed to. But when the time finally comes, the other guys change their mind and Benji, not trying to look weak, also forgoes wearing his goggles. This unfortunately comes to haunt Benji as he is shot in the eye by his friend Randy. The BB gets lodged above his socket permanently, and his attempts to cut it out are unsuccessful. Benji and Reggie go home and Benji is for